Product Review: Joseph Joseph Bathroom Toothbrush Caddy

Something both my clients and friends always ask me for is product reviews. What do I use at home or within my services that stand out from the crowd as being a brilliant buy. Well here is where I tell you!

Joseph Joseph Bathroom Toothbrush Caddy

I was made aware of Joseph Joseph products way before I started Room to Breathe and coveted their 2 in 1 waste and recycle bins. At the time they were a little out of my price range and now, with perspective, my household creates FAR too much recycling for it to work for us but this would be brilliant in a flat or small kitchen with limited space.

BUT they also have some other brilliant space saving products. My favourite (for now) is their toothbrush caddy. This is perfect if all your family have electric toothbrushes and are fed up of them being knocked over near the sink or little rings being left on your bathroom worktop.

Not only does this caddy hold four electric or normal toothbrushes separately, it also has two end pockets useful for toothpaste and floss, keeping all the teeth brushing paraphernalia together in one place.

The caddy also comes apart into two parts and can be chucked in the dishwasher, meaning you don't have to go anywhere near the gross scummy stuff that appears at the bottom of your cup or pot when toothbrushes have been lingering there for too long!

Fifteen pounds might seem like quite a lot to pay for a toothbrush holder but I promise you, you'll never want another cheap plastic cup for the job ever again!

  *I am an Amazon Associate, so using any links in this blog may generate a small amount of revenue for me. If you would rather not use this link then please go to your amazon page and order directly that way. 

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